My Benefits
Here is the exclusive advantage offer that Société Générale provides to students of our schools: - Visa Premier card for only 1 euro per year for four years - 3 months of free home insurance - A dedicated advisor, close to campus and attentive - And many more! If you want more information, contact your advisor
On an associative level, having an SG account allows you to access some great discounts: you get a total of 200 euros off fees related to the BDE membership, ASINT, and the integration weekend! If you have an account with Société Générale, you get 50 euros off the Student Office membership and 100 euros off the WEI! So go for it! Please note, however, that to access these association discounts, you must keep your bank account active (at least 4 transactions per month for the first 4 months), if not, the associations reserve the right to collect the amount of the discounts granted. It’s super easy to keep your account active, what students often do is use their SG card for campus expenses, like at the Ritz, the cafe, vending machines, etc. You can also simply put your subscriptions on this account, just to be sure everything runs smoothly!