Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)
For any question you cannot find an answer to on this page, call 3933 for free, Société Générale’s telephone support service.
For any document provided to your advisor, you must submit it in PDF format (no JPEG, etc.), otherwise it will not be accepted.
How can I open an account with SG?
How can I transfer my bank account to an SG account?
What is the international option?
How can I change my address?
How can I retrieve my bank account ID?
How can I retrieve my bank account password?
How can I change the phone number associated with my bank account?
How can I close my account or certain options?
What should I do if I need home, car, or liability insurance?
How can I get information on my existing contracts?
Online Banking
Who should I contact if I have a question or issue regarding my Online Banking (Paylib, connection problem, etc.)?
How can I get my balance certificate?
How can I dispute a direct debit?
How can I dispute a card transaction?
How can I block my card?
How can I increase my card limit?
How can I make an appointment with my advisor?
How can I apply for a student loan?
How can I modify my overdraft authorization?
What are the various fees applied by my bank?
How can I open an account with SG?
Go to the SG stands held in the foyer during the pre-SEI from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., then at the Forum every day from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. until 09/30/2023, and afterwards on Thursday afternoons from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (excluding school holidays)
Bring a valid ID and:
- if you are a tenant: a rental contract (e.g., Maisel) or a utility bill (electricity, gas, or phone) less than three months old.
- if you are hosted: an SG accommodation certificate, the host’s ID, and a utility bill (electricity, gas, or phone) less than three months old.
If you are an international student, you must also provide a copy of your birth certificate.
How can I transfer my bank account to an SG account?
Go to the SG stands held in the foyer during the pre-SEI from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., then at the Forum every day from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. until 09/30/2023, and afterwards on Thursday afternoons from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (excluding school holidays)
Bring a valid ID and:
- If you are a tenant: a rental contract (e.g., Maisel) or a utility bill (electricity, gas, or phone) less than three months old.
- if you are hosted: an SG accommodation certificate, the host’s ID, and a utility bill (electricity, gas, or phone) less than three months old.
If you are an international student, you must also provide a copy of your birth certificate.
What is the international option?
This option waives fees for payments, withdrawals, and international transfers (except for potential charges by foreign banks). Thanks to our partnership, this option is free for you for 9 months, and costs 2 euros afterwards. To activate it, just send a message to your advisor via the SG app messaging service. This message must be sent at least a week before your departure abroad.
How can I change my address?
You can update your address directly via your SG client space or by sending a message to your advisor through the app's messaging. You will need to provide the following documents:
- if you are a tenant: a rental contract (e.g., Maisel) or a utility bill (electricity, gas, or phone) less than three months old.
- if you are hosted: an SG accommodation certificate, the host’s ID, and a utility bill (electricity, gas, or phone) less than three months old.
IMPORTANT: It is essential that your address is always up to date; make sure to change it as soon as you move.
How can I retrieve my bank account ID?
For security reasons, your ID can only be retrieved in a branch upon presentation of your ID. It is possible to retrieve it at any Société Générale branch.
How can I retrieve my bank account password?
For security reasons, your password can only be retrieved in a branch upon presentation of your ID. It is possible to retrieve it at any Société Générale branch.
How can I change the phone number associated with my bank account?
For security reasons, your phone number can only be changed in a branch upon presentation of your ID. You can complete this process at any Société Générale branch.
How can I close my account or certain options?
You just need to send a letter with a handwritten signature, then scan this signed document and send it in PDF format to your advisor via email at [email protected]
ATTENTION: for international students, it is essential to close your account before leaving the country
What should I do if I need home, car, or liability insurance?
Contact your SG advisor directly.
How can I get information on my existing contracts?
Call sogéssur service at 09 69 32 99 69
Who should I contact if I have a question or issue regarding my Online Banking (Paylib, connection problem, etc.)?
Call the dedicated service at: 01 42 14 58 58
How can I get my balance certificate?
Make the request directly via messaging on your online banking app, specifying the language you want it in (French, English, etc.). Important: The request must be made at least 1 week before the desired date.
How can I dispute a direct debit?
Go to your Online Banking app in the direct debit tab. You can dispute the transaction 48 hours before and 7 days after.
You can also dispute the creditor permanently in the direct debit tab → Creditor.
How can I dispute a card transaction?
Report it directly via messaging to your advisor, and they will give you the procedure to follow.
How can I block my card?
You can do it directly via the app in the card tab or by contacting 3933
Note: If you have simply lost your card, you can block it temporarily.
As soon as you block your card, a new one will be sent directly to your home
within 5 to 7 business days.
Make sure your postal address is up to date
How can I increase my card limit?
You can increase your card limit a maximum of 3 times per month via the app.
Otherwise, you must contact 3933.
How can I make an appointment with my advisor?
Go to the Online Banking app, in the contact or contact agency tab.
Phone appointments are also available.
How can I apply for a student loan?
You must make an appointment with your advisor.
Here is the list of documents you need for this procedure:
BPI France Loan (max €20,000):
- Current year school certificate
- Bank statements from the last 3 months from all accounts
- BPI France certificate
Student Loan (max €120,000)
- Proof of residence
- Bank statements from the last 3 months from all of your guarantor’s accounts (including savings)
- Guarantor’s ID
- Guarantor’s latest tax notice
- Guarantor’s last 3 pay slips
- Amortization schedules of your guarantor’s current loans
How can I modify my overdraft authorization?
For this, contact your advisor via messaging or make a phone appointment.
What are the various fees applied by my bank?
You can check the fee schedule directly on the SG website.