
Telecom SudParis & Institut Mines-Télécom Business School Student Office

The BDE is one of the main actors of the campus and the association in our two schools: Parties, Clubs, Projects, Company,... Our missions are numerous, but we have only one goal: to make our campus even more pleasant!

Some figures


More than 2,000 future engineers and managers on campus


More than 40 events are held throughout the year to support the campus


Plus de 29 entreprises partenaires! Troisième plus gros BDE de France

Congratulations to admitted

Dear new admissions, Congratulations on your admission and welcome to our side. You're about to experience exciting adventures on the integration weekend, integration week and pre-integration week.
On the program: madness activities, barbecues or even lively evenings and many other wonderful things... Don't miss this opportunity to join us in creating wonderful memories. So come and find out what's in store for you. ✨
Goodbye 💜
(You will be accepted into the Campus TMSP group as soon as the list of admissions is sent to us)

The Student Office

The Student's Office(BDE) is the largest association on this campus, at the heart of associative life. Between the week and the integration weekend, the six evenings, the travels, or the technoparade, we work to make sure that all the students on the campus leave the suitcases full of memories and with a circle of friends that they will keep for life.


Associative life

Associative life The associative life of IMT-BS and Télécom SudParis is one of the highest qualities of our schools. With 14 associations and 50 clubs, we have one of the richest associative lives that you can find in business or engineering schools. They are an opportunity for each student to acquire knowledge in one area of his or her choice (whether professional, artistic, sports or other) and to meet other students to carry out joint projects while bringing our campus to life.


Les Écoles

Télécom SudParis

Télécom SudParis is a leading public engineering school recognized at the highest level of digital science and technology. The quality of its training is based on the scientific excellence of its faculty and a pedagogy focusing on team projects, disruptive innovation and entrepreneurship.

Institut Mines-Télécom Business School

A public and socially inclusive school, close to engineering schools, IMT-BS trains responsible managers and entrepreneurs who are responsible, innovative and open to the world, who will guide organizations in transitions to the heart of tomorrow's society: digital, energy and environmental, economic and industrial.

Théo Gaillard (Aquila 2024-2025)

Le mot du Président

Bienvenue dans l’univers unique de Télécom SudParis & IMT-BS, au sein duquel tu t’apprêtes à entamer les années les plus enrichissantes de ta vie!!! Chaque jour est ici une opportunité d’épanouissement personnel, que ce soit d’un point de vue humain ou des études, la vie associative est là pour te faire vivre des souvenirs inoubliables !

Dès ton arrivée sur le campus, le BDE sera là pour t'accueillir et te guider. En effet, nous sommes tes premiers compagnons dans cette nouvelle aventure et nous veillerons à ce que ton intégration se déroule en douceur. La diversité des associations sur notre campus est unique en France, offrant un panel aussi vaste que captivant. N'hésite pas à nous contacter pour toute question ou information supplémentaire 😊.