Xtreme est le club de sports “outdoor” du campus. A l’origine entièrement tourné vers la course à pied, il propose également d’autres sports en nature dont le cyclisme. Avides de défis sportifs ou curieux de découvrir ces disciplines, vous êtes bien tombés
The club encourages and supports students to participate in numerous sports challenges, whether they are student-specific (Coupe de l’X, Course Croisière Edhec ...) or not (Paris (semi)-marathon, urban trails ...), and organizes at least three weekly training sessions near the campus, doable on foot or by bike.
Beyond that, Xtreme organizes many events throughout the year. Among them:
– The Bike & Run: a major relay race organized by Xtreme in partnership with the Forum Association, offering 2 race courses, on foot and by bike, from Evry to Soisy sur Seine, to which the 5 schools of IP Paris are invited (Polytechnique, ENSTA, ENSAE, Télécom Paris, Télécom Sud Paris)!
And we participate in many other events and competitions in Île de France:
– X's Cup
– Ekiden du Platal
– The Paris Semi Marathon
– The Adidas 10k of Paris